Thursday, June 2, 2016

Week 4 Reflection

This week, blogging was a little more difficult simply because I didn’t have as much time to do fieldwork as I had hoped. Luckily, I had extra material to write about from last week so I was able to keep on track with this week’s posts. I would prefer not to feel like I’m advertising in these posts, but I thought the International Folk Art Market was a good idea for a short post, since it is Santa Fe’s biggest art festival.

            I’m still enjoying the blogging experience, and I hope to keep blogging for the foreseeable future. I think it is making me a lot more comfortable with journalistic writing. What I like about the blogging this week is that I am tying it back to older posts, in a way, and showing some contrast in the experiences of the artists I have written about so far. I think it could potentially get into the philosophy of art, given the right circumstances. I feel as though I could write a lot more about the conversations and get into a lot more detail, though. I think in future posts, I will try talking to people who are part of the art business, but not artists themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that by blogging it is helping with journalistic writing. It is a different twist to journalism but it is definitely helping with journalistic writing as a whole.
